I really enjoyed this, Lyssa. I've never used the word "enmeshed" to describe this property of the universe, but it resonates with me strongly. For a while I've envisioned consciousness (the one single consciousness that all things share) as a really big bed sheet, stretching far in every direction, and each "conscious being" is simply a raised up version of the fabric (as if you pinched in one spot and lifted your hand a few feet, creating a cone). So a universe of billions of conscious beings is just a big sheet with billions of "raised cones," but we're so focused on the cones (our own cone and the special qualities of each other cone) that we forget that we're "cut from the same cloth," so-to-speak. Anyways, great essay! Lots to think about... :)

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Wow! I love your bed sheet analogy. That brought up an image of pin art for me. Do you know those toys...like this: https://lcpshop.net/product/pin-art-toy-3d-face-palm-clone-shape/?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw67ajBhAVEiwA2g_jEHc3SnScDTc6q0RPkxk0dYSl8ykiy5xG-i2w0cQPbbfG7W4w0V_DGBoC8asQAvD_BwE

It's powerful to think about how stuck and self-focused we "raised cones" get! Nice to remember that all the cones are connected.

Thanks for reading and for sharing that imagery with me!

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Ah, yes, I've seen those toys. Pretty cool :)

Thanks for writing this! I'm excited to follow your journey...

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Exuberantly written and thought-provoking!

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Thanks for your feedback. Exactly what I was hoping for! On this one, I have no answers, but I sure have plenty of questions 🤣

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