Jun 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Lyssa Menard

To me artificial intelligence is just the logical extension of our flight from the the practices of self-awareness and self-observation that all spiritual traditions encourage us to engage. We are simply more and more seduced to keep seeking for outer help and solutions rather than direct inner knowledge and wisdom. We flee the simple and prefer the complex because as soon as we slow down we start feeling things we've been working very hard to NOT feel, and thus perpetuate the emotional child state of our original wounding. Full feeling is the basis of the kind of AI we really need, authentic intelligence. But only another brightly embodied biological human can model what full feeling looks like, and such models are in short supply.

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So true. Really well articulated. The idea that a program that lacks emotions (let alone emotional awareness) can teach us anything about emotional intelligence is cuckoo. We need one of those rare, embodied, warm-blooded humans for that!

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